Garden project

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I finished digging the drainage!! (5 March 2006)

This weekend I set myself the goal of completing all the digging for the drainage, so that we can accelerate the pace of the project a bit. It was quite hard work, but worth the effort. The next step will be to lay 'bezel blocks' (hollow cement blocks) and then fill them with concrete to make the retention walls; whilst also fixing the drainage to the concrete foundation. Will report on thos steps when I am completed.

The exciting part - once we get that out of the way, we can then get the road base and dingo, pack the base for the paving, and finish levelling and shaping the garden. That should be the last time we need to bring heavy machinery in through the garden, so after that I will move quickly to lay some turf and re-establish a decent lawn for Daniel!!!

Hard at work digging drainage trenches

I had to use a pick to break the hard clay.... again!