Garden project

Saturday, December 03, 2005

I hate the weather!!! (3 December 2005)

!!!!!!AAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After being all excited to be ready to pour the concrete, I have been well and truly 'rained down on'! It has not stopped raining for days, and the results are disastrous!! The trenches are full of water, a bunch of clay has collapsed on the fence trench and the back-trench (near the fuontain feaure), and most trenches are half-filled with water. My spirit is down today, as this means I have to not only postpone pouring plans, but (yet again!), I will also have to get in and dig (*sigh*) all the rubbish out. Then I will be praying for the water to dry quickly and for the rain to stop pouring down on me.
On the other hand, how much WORSE could it really get? There's got to be something positive after all ;-)

The clump of clay that was holding the fence
pillar together collapses into the trench

A whole lot of dirt fell into the deep
trench that runs along the house.
Cleaning this will be a titanic job!


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